Howard Denson

Rev. Dr. Howard Denson

Rev. Dr. Howard Denson

As a child, I never believed that I should fear God, nor that God desired to be worshiped. I decided it was our job to act to ‘bring more Heaven to Earth’; not to pray to God to work for us, while questioning and blaming God for the evil we allow. Then I discovered New Thought, studied Divine Science, concluded that God is Love and only Love, and that each of us is a little piece of Go —having a free will and experiential experience in human form. I learned that: Love begets Love. And evil begets evil. And that Love always overcomes evil—when Love acts to. At CDL, our purpose is to BE Love—every day and in every way; and that is both blissful and joyous.

Consider joining with us in demonstrating that: Love is an action word—that pleases God.

God. Amen. And so it is.