College of Divine Science

College of Divine Science

  • Our Creed Is Love.
  • Our Path is Service.
  • Our Goal is not only God Awareness
  • But that God is Love.

Our Vision

We are a light unto the world for individual and global peace, spiritual understanding and abundant life.

Our Mission

The College of Divine Science provides expert instruction for students interested in inner growth to enrich their spiritual lives, gain an understanding of universal laws and create a much more fulfilling life experience. To be aware of the Infinite Presence that is All; both invisible and visible.

To live a God inspired and fulfilling life in peace, love and joy.

To teach the Universal Principle of “Omnipresence.”

To respect all world religions, all people and all life.

To be a supportive spiritual community for the good of all.

Our Beliefs

Our universal spiritual teachings and practices offer a practical philosophy for a spiritual and fulfilled life. As a spiritual community, we provide the local community with access to a rich and diverse blend of local, national, and inter-national leaders in the development of consciousness and the unfolding of spiritual awareness.

Every Sunday we hold services based upon the principles of Divine Science, and truth found in world religions and contemporary spiritual teachings. Our services are followed by refreshments and a social. We are a multi-denominational community interested in developing a rich spiritual component in life and community.

Through-out the week, we offer various classes and events that celebrate the divine essence and spiritual expression of our humanity. Please check the calendar for a complete listing of these classes and events.



The College of Divine Science provides expert instruction for students interested in: inner growth to help them discover their inner potential as spiritual beings, gaining an understanding of universal laws, creating a fulfilling life experience, and/or to preparing for greater and more effective service to society. The upper level courses are also offered for teacher training, Practitioner work (Spiritual Counseling) and the Divine Science Ministry. The full complement of six ten-week classes are: Fundamentals of Divine Science and the five upper level courses: Spiritual Psychology, Meditation, Bible Mystery and Bible Meaning, Old Testament, Higher Training and Consecration. They are offered by the Center for Divine Love(CDL) – College of Divine Science at CDL’s Empowerment Center, 3617 Wyoming Street, Saint Louis, Missouri 63116. Five of the six classes are also available through home study.Students are assigned a personal instructor upon class registration. All homework will be returned with comments and suggestions. The College for additional information.

Fundamentals of Divine Science

This class, which is a prerequisite to all other classes, focuses on the belief in the Omnipresence of God. It teaches a way of life that reveals, through personal experience, your God-given gifts and spiritual destiny. This class is offered free of charge for all students who want to benefit from the teachings and theology of Divine Science and/or become Members of the Center for Divine Love Church.

Spiritual Psychology

An examination of the relationship between human and Divine Mind and the role of mind/spirit in achieving inner serenity, spiritual growth, and accomplishment in life.


Quieting the mind, focusing the attention, listening to God and being acutely aware of His Living Presence is the focus of these lessons.

Bible Mystery and Bible Meaning, Old Testament In this study of the Old Testament historically, symbolically, and metaphysically, the student sees a clear picture of humankind’s growing understanding of God’s nature. This course is designed to be insightful regarding each soul’s spiritual unfoldment.

Bible Mystery and Bible Meaning, New Testament

The focus of these lessons is an in-depth study of the inner meaning of the teachings and example of Jesus Christ, a Master of Life and our Way Shower and Teacher. Higher Training and Consecration This deeper study emphasizes Oneness – the Perfect Love, Wisdom and Abundance of God, present in us, expressing through us, as us.


$ 150.00 Per Class, Home Study

$ 15.00 Text Book, including postage

For advanced study and on-site class fees, please contact the Divine Science School.

We do grant partial scholarships when needed. Please ask when you are applying.

The basic course, Divine Science Principals & Practice, is free for Associate Members of the Center for Divine Love to take each moment, and live each moment, in peace eternally.

Let there be peace on Earth, and let it begin, with me.

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